Monday, December 2, 2013

Blog #19 Dread


Waiting for the light to turn green a young woman sits in her wore out blue jeans
dreading her time for work.

She knows they will nag her. And why not? Isn’t that what she is there for?
 She wonders if the older one will give her a headache? Why not?

A little pain for a little paycheck.
Perhaps they will answer their own questions remember their own appointments.
Their minds remember more than hers. Whatever happens is alright just got to remember a only six
hours to go.

Perhaps they’ll want to watch a movie with her. That would be great.
Or perhaps I will have to make them many meals. It’s their right. It’s what I am there for.

The Good Lord has a funny way of showing me patience.

And so she waited for that light to turn green with an optimistic view that God would take pity upon her.


  1. I like how it goes from one subject to the next and to the next and makes it back full circle. Nice job

  2. My favorite line would be, "A little pain for a little paycheck." Oh its wonderful, that's how I feel. You must do in-home-care. Oh lord I do feel for you. Im in long-term care now, and its not the best either. Thank god I don't have to give showers most of the time. Nice poem. My advice would be to get out while you still have some empathy left for others.Nice poem, it brings back many memories, nice job.

  3. Thank you. I have worked on the long-term care side too. I definitely don't miss giving showers. ;) I am working on getting a new job though.

  4. I like the way the poem begins and ends with a green light. There's such a sense of slow and fast within the poem. The people she takes care of seem slow. She seems too fast to be in their slow place. I imagine when a college student does CNA-type work, it must be hard to be in the old people's world.

  5. Strong imagery throughout, great poem!
