Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Introducing Jerelle

  1. My greatest asset is __________.
  2. The nicest thing I ever did for anyone was __________.
  3. The nicest thing anyone ever did for me was __________.
  4. One question I have about life is ___________.
  5. One thing I've always wondered about is ___________.
  6. My teachers last year will tell you that I am quiet.
  7. My friends will tell you that I am ______quiet_____.
  8. People like me because I am a nice and friendly person.
  9. One thing most people don't know about me is _________.
  10. I am an expert on __________.
  11. I want to know more about __________.
  12. When I am 30, I will have a career and better be married.
  13. Five years from now, I will have completed college and moved out of Lewiston.
  14. When I want to, I have the ability to be creative.
  15. A famous person I admire is __________ because __________.
  16. The bravest thing I ever did was enroll in college.
  17. I have trouble dealing with financial situations.
  18. I appreciate it when teachers understand that most of us aren't 18 and we have to work.
  19. I am proud of myself for sticking this college experience out.
  20. I like ___________ because ___________.
  21. I really need to get out of Lewiston and go on vacation.
  22. My favorite class is __________ because __________.
  23. My friends make me laugh when they say crazy things.
  24. My pet peeve is when bigger vehicles park in the closest parking spot to the front of a building, making it hard for those of us with cars to get out or in our vehicles.
  25. When I am sad I cry.
  26. The most stressful thing in my life is worrying about how I am going to work and go to college without going insane.
  27. The most influential person in my life is my grandmother because she is understands what I am going through and is the most supportive of me going to college.
  28. If I had one hundred dollars, I would put it towards a bill.
  29. I am named for a girl my mother used to babysit in high school.
  30. It was easy to learn spelling.
  31. It is difficult to learn math.
  32. I have no regrets about enrolling in college.
  33. I regret not doing this sooner.
  34. A friend once showed me how to let loose.
  35. I like ____________ music, particularly these songs: ____________.
  36. My favorite color is cerulean blue.
  37. One dish I can cook well is stir fry.
  38. My favorite place on earth is the ocean.
  39. What is a mistake that taught you a lesson? What did you learn? I make mistakes constantly. Its the way of life. If you don't learn from your mistakes, you will keep making mistakes. A mistake I make is filling up with gas at the half way line, when I don't fill up then I end up paying more to fill in the end.
  40. What is an obstacle you face in completing this class? How can you, your classmates, and your teacher help you get around it?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerelle. Where do you work? In your answers, I see it noted a couple times that you really need to get out of Lewiston, whether for a vacation or after you graduate. Do you not like Lewiston? Why did you choose LCSC and Lewiston?
