Thursday, September 12, 2013

Blog #6 "The Story of an Hour" The Facebook Page of Mrs. Mallard

Mrs. Mallard

Married to Bently Mallard
Sister: Josephine
Friends with:
Heart Doctor
High School Reunion of 1967

Mrs. Mallard- 8am This morning my sister Josephine informed me that my husband was killed in a railroad disaster.-with Richards.

Mrs. Mallard 8:10am- The pain is too much. It's difficult to distinguish between my heart break or my actual heart failure.

Mrs. Mallard 8:20am- A black cloud of sorrow consumes me. Opening my window, I feel the possession will win over my mind, as if something dark is reaching for me.

Mrs. Mallard 8:30am- The black clouds outside my window aren't black anymore blue sky is shining through. Maybe my husbands death is a good thing.

Mrs. Mallard 8:40 am- I can breathe again. My husband's control is no longer upon me. I can fly down those stairs and run in the fields. I can do what I want with my life.

Mrs. Mallard 8:50am- Don't get me wrong my husband wasn't too bad, but we weren't in love like we should've been.

Mrs. Mallard 8:55am- I feel free, finally. After all the years I can leave my house and see people and the world. I can find out who I am as a person.

Mrs. Mallard has shared "Life has knocked me down" photo.

Mrs. Mallard 8:56am- I can see my family and friends when I want now. I can get a job. I don't have to clean house if I don't feel like it! No more cleaning his filthy clothes! No more making dinner at 4 so its done by the time he gets home! No more! Yay!

Mrs. Mallard 8:57AM- I will always love my husband for I do care for him, but its better that we now have our time apart. This could be my chance to live.

Mrs. Mallard 9:00am- Well my sister Josephine won't stop knocking I better let her in and know I haven't withered away. She must be letting me know Richards is coming so we can make funeral arrangements.

 Mrs. Mallard likes this webpage


  1. Your status's fit perfectly with the story!

  2. I think you did a fantastic job trying to speak "old fashioned" it gave Mrs. Mallard a voice. She would have spoken like that, you portrayed a very convincing woman. Good job.

  3. There's irony in your choice of photo. The woman sits on a bench outside with the sun shining down on her face. Yet Mrs. Mallard is still quite contained in her room. Technically, she isn't free in the way that the bench lady is free :)
